Shared Logistic Routes

A third postdoc research project is being developed as part of the supply chain of the future chair, to start in September 2023 and last 18 months.
The decarbonization of logistics beyond massification (moving for example from truck to train) implies a logic of volume and pooling to group flows.
However today, except containerized maritime transport, each logistics network remains assigned to a company, whether it is a productor, a distributor or a freight operator.
The work of this research project aims to identify pooling and sharing logistics flows strategies and the information and data that accompany them, as well as the necessary tools, governance, management of value sharing, obstacles, and potential scenarios to put in place.
The research requires flow modeling and the development of optimization scenarios. Case studies, real and/or fictitious will be used. Part of the state of the art on the subject belongs to research work on the “physical internet” that aims to standardize coordination processes within the supply chain. Another part belongs to the analysis of strategies and games of actors (especially the railway companies, the inherent constraints in the railway system and its gouvernance) and the analysis of challenges and potential obstacles to the collective strategies in the implementation of companies' social responsibility.
The subject of shared logistics transport can integrate strategic and operational aspects in terms of governance and process with the necessary academic and research insights and benchmarks.
The third postdoc research subject is supervised by Laetitia Dablanc, research director at the LVMT (City Mobility Transport Laboratory), a multidisciplinary laboratory and joint research unit between school of Ponts ParisTech and the Gustave Eiffel University. LVMT deals with major societal issues in the city, transport and mobility.
Activities that bring together scientific, technological, organisational, social and environmental issues